Here at ISB our aim is to provide students with an outstanding school experience. We pride ourselves on our students’ excellent academic achievement, which comes through excellent learning and teaching, but this would not be possible if we did not place great importance on student wellbeing and one of the key ways that we achieve this through our enrichment programme. 

Tutor Time and PSHCE

Students are part of a tutor group lead by an experienced form tutor who is the first point of contact for student issues and concerns. We have a specialist Grade 7 tutor who is experienced in supporting students with the transition from Primary, and in general a tutor will stay with their tutor group for at least two years so that strong positive relationships between students, the tutor and parents are built. 

Each day starts with a 15 minute tutor period which could a wide range of topics, through from study skills, current world news to personalised mentoring. 

In addition, students have one period of PSHE (personal, social, and health education) each week. Students work on their personal development, and key issues that are relevant to their age. PSHE units are tailor made to meet the needs of our internationally diverse community, and currently include character strengths, human rights, diversity and equality, mental health and healthy living.  


The PSHE provision is complemented by a rich programme of assemblies lead by senior leaders, classroom teachers and students. Assemblies raise awareness about important world events, international days and aspects that are specific to the individual Key Stages or Grades.  Praise assemblies are also organsed to celebrate both the academic and non-academic success of our students.   

Qualified Counsellor

The Pastoral Team (the Wellbeing and PSHE Coordinator and Tutor Team) work with a qualified counsellor who is available at lunch times for ‘guidance sessions’. students can make an appointment with the counsellor to talk about anything from friendship issues to anxiety and exam related stress. All sessions are of course confidential. 


An important part of wellbeing is a healthy, active lifestyle, and ISB offers a rich, broad and inclusive programme of physical education (PE). Before the Covid restrictions, our students were participating in off-site specialist sports including: 





Indoor climbing




Pelote Basque  

However, due to the current Covid regulations, students are currently engaging in more traditional sports such as hockey, handball, touch rugby, volleyball and football on the school’s all-purpose sports pitch.  These lessons take place twice each week.